The answers you need.
What is Kinship House?
Kinship House is a supervised parenting center offering several programs including Supervised Visitations, Supervised Exchanges, and customized Parenting Programs.
Where is Kinship House located?
Kinship House is located WITHIN the Osborn MetroPark, 3924 Perkins Avenue, in Huron Township, OH. Click here for a map.
What exactly is supervised visitation or exchange?
A supervised visitation is when a child is brought to Kinship House to see their non-residential parent (the parent they don’t live with). A monitor may sit in the rooms or just outside the rooms to document all conversations and activities. The level of supervision is often set by the referring agency. Observation reports are kept in the family’s personal file and shared with the courts if required.
A supervised exchange is when the residential parent drops the child off to be picked up 15 minutes later by the non-residential parent. Exchanges can be anywhere from a couple hours, to days or weeks, depending on what is scheduled. The frequency and length of visit and exchanges depend on orders from the court or referring agency, the family’s availability, and Kinship House availability.
What is reported and why?
All monitors are trained to write fact-based observations. They report the activities that take place during a visitation, any conversation, and any critical incidents. These reports are helpful for the courts or agencies to determine what steps need to be taken in future. Kinship House does not make any recommendations or give opinions. Kinship House is a neutral party for families. This is a safe place, free of judgment for the families to enjoy time together.
How can I get the services I need?
You can be referred to Kinship House by the courts, Children Services, or other agency. During a court hearing the judge or magistrate may order a family to use supervised visitation through Kinship House for a specific period of time. Kinship House then sends all reports to the court to show how a family is doing.
A self-referral can use Kinship House as much or as little as needed. All parties must complete an orientation before starting any of the services. The Director then assesses the family’s needs and gets them on the schedule.
What happens when a parent doesn’t show up?
If there is a scheduled visitation or exchange and one or both of the parties does not show up, it is considered a No Call/No Show. If it involves a visitation and the non-residential parent does not show after 15 minutes of the scheduled visit and does not call to state they will be delayed, the residential parent is called to come pick up the child. The party or parties that didn’t show will be called the following business day for an explanation of their absence. After two No Call/No Shows, the family may be terminated from Kinship House services.
What is the fee for services?
One Hour Visitations: $10 per party, per visit
unless one party is ordered to pay all fees.
Two Hour Visitations: $15 per party, per visit
unless one party is ordered to pay all fees.
All exchanges are $5.00 per party, per exchange
unless one party is ordered to pay all fees. This means if you exchange twice in one day you owe $10.
How can I volunteer at Kinship House?
Kinship House uses volunteers as family visitation observers. Requirements can be found under the Volunteer Tab. Potential volunteers will be interviewed, must pass a BCI (Bureau of Criminal Investigation) background check, and successfully complete a training program. You can also volunteer by donating meals or snacks for the families, pre-made craft kits, or by providing needed cleaning or maintenance services.
What are Kinship House hours of operation?
Kinship House is open by appointment only. Appointments are made on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday’s 9am – 8pm. We are closed on Mondays and Saturdays.
How can I become a Kinship Monitor?
Kinship House looks for qualified, paid Visitation Monitors. This role requires a minimum of two hours a week.
Monitor Requirements
Be 21 years old.
Complete a job application and provide 3 valid references.
Complete an interview.
Submit to a background check that includes fingerprinting. (There is no cost to the potential volunteer.)
Complete orientation and training.