Become a Kinship House hero.
There are so many ways to get involved and make a difference at Kinship house! Help out at event! Get involved in a fundraiser! Help with cleaning and maintenance! Or even join our board of directors!
Interested? Contact us to volunteer. Any and all involvement is appreciated.
Lots of ways to help.
Board of Directors membership.
If you are looking to give back in a committed way, the Kinship House Board of Directors may be just the place for you. As a member, you will be working with like-minded individuals to support the mission of Kinship House. Board terms are three years, and your involvement will be felt throughout the entire organization.

Facilities clean-up and beautification.
We strive to provide a comfortable, peaceful facility for Kinship House families. This takes time, energy and muscle. Here’s how you can help.
Bi-annual yard clean-up: Every year there we perform general yard maintenance. Like edge, spread mulch, and pull weeds? This is the job for you.
Facilities clean-up: The Kinship House and the Little House require general upkeep such as touch-up paint, maintenance, and repairs. Got skills? Bring ‘em on!
Specialty skills: If you’ve got a knack for plumbing, electrical, woodworking and more, don’t be shy! Contact us and show off your skills!
Helping Hands
during events.
The Kinship House Events are vital to our fundraising efforts. Each year, we participate in two or more events that require plenty of volunteers for:
Setup and take-down
Greeters and direction providers
Fun creators
Spread the word!

Got an idea? Let’s talk!
We are always open to our Kinship House Heroes creative ideas about supporting our mission to provide services to children and their families. You are the heart of Kinship House!